哥大资深教授带来技术干货:基于TFT 背板的Micro-LED 微显示器
来源:MiLEDA | 作者:id1707251 | 发布时间: 2018-12-04 | 5962 次浏览 | 分享到:

相比OLEDMicro-LED色彩更容易准确的调试,有更长的发光寿命和更高的亮度以及具有较佳的材料稳定性、寿命长、无影像烙印等优点,其与OLED共通性在于需以氧化物TFT背板驱动。但驱动Micro-LEDOLED要复杂的多,使用氧化物TFT背板可能也不如预期的那样简单。那么,困难究竟在哪里?如何制备基于TFT 背板的Micro-LED 微显示器?

哥伦比亚大学电气工程系教授Ioannis (John)Kymissis确定出席2018第二届中国(国际)Micro-LED 显示高峰论坛,并将进行这方面的精彩演讲,1112日,深圳,尽请期待!


关于Ioannis (John) Kymissis


Ioannis (John) Kymissis graduated with his SB, M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from MIT. His M.Eng. thesis was performed as a co-op at the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab on organic thin film transistors, and his Ph.D. was obtained in the Microsystems Technology Lab at MIT working on field emission displays. After graduation he spent three years as a post-doc in MIT's Laboratory for Organic Optics and Electronics working on a variety of organic electronic devices and as a consulting engineer for QDVision. He joined the faculty at Columbia University in Electrical Engineering in 2006 as an assistant professor. John has won a number of awards for his work, including the NSF CAREER award, the IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport award, the Vodaphone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Award, the MIT Clean Energy Prize, a Verizon Powerful Answers award, and is an SID Fellow. He recently served a term as the editor in chief of the Journal of the Society for Information Display, and was the general chair for the 2014 Device Research Conference.


Ioannis (John) Kymissis教授对于Micro LED深具信心,由于具有高亮度、广色域、以及高度的信赖性,Micro LED应用别较宽广,除显示类相关的手表、手机、电视等等外,也看好在应用在照明、投影等产业。在Micro LED Bonding形式上共分为Wafer BondingChip BondingNanowire三个部分作分析,制作小尺寸显示器且非柔性用途将会以Wafer bonding的方式进行,目前在单色运用上较成熟。若是应用在中大尺寸全彩化的显示器上,同时有柔性背板需求,则使用Chip Bonding的方式较易达成。而Nano wire可直接与基板大面积接触,可减少P/N小面极积接触的阻抗过高问题,但仍因耐受电流过小有亮度不足的问题。


Ioannis (John) Kymissis 教授曾指出,Micro LED在驱动方案上,若仅需要行或列单一启动方式,以被动阵列 (Passive Matrix)方式驱动即可,而若需要行加列有双边行扫的需求,则须以主动阵列(Active Matrix)的方式驱动。因被动阵列驱动较简单,较利于应用在小显示面积、低分辨率、低亮度的Micro LED显示器。主动阵列驱动则适用在大显示面积、高亮度、亮度调整复杂性高(Gray level)的产品上。

这次,1112日在2018第二届中国(国际)Micro-LED 显示高峰论坛上,Ioannis (John) Kymissis 教授将为我们带来什么样的技术干货,让我们一起期待!







